[Rt-devel] [rt-users] MergeUsers extension for RT problem.

Jason A. Smith smithj4 at bnl.gov
Mon Oct 5 11:46:00 EDT 2009

On Fri, 2009-10-02 at 20:36 -0400, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 12:14:40PM -0400, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> > I was considering using the MergeUser functionality to merge user
> > accounts created with the WebExternalAuto method and our ExternalAuth,
> > which have blank email addresses, with the accounts created through
> > email interaction with RT.  Since one of the accounts didn't have an
> > email address, it appeared blank.  My proposed patch displays the
> > account name (which should always be present) and email address if that
> > is present.
> I modified this slightly and pushed the logic back into the lib so it
> could be used in the messages from UnMerge also.  See
> a1eb2b4e76f4c95fd4341abad22c168605579590 when it reaches github when
> I'm back online.

I downloaded 0.04_01 from CPAN and it seems to work fine with users that
have no email address, Thanks.

> > The patch also adds the reverse link, when viewing the user others have
> > been merged into, their names now link to their modify user page.
> I didn't take this because the extension should actually load the
> primary user, even when you load a merged user by Id (and this is the
> behavior I observed while testing).

Ok, I understand.  So is there any way to see the user data from the
merged user then?  Or is this data now irrelevant, except for the name &
email address which are shown in the merge box, since they are now
effectively the user they were merged into in terms of privileges?

> If you can show me that it does something different, I'm willing to
> reconsider.
> > While testing this, it seemed a little flaky.  Are there still some
> > issues or bugs with Real & Effective merged users?
> I wasn't aware of any, but I did tweak something with the cache that
> may have been bugging you (I noticed it while testing your patch).
> I also cleaned up some warnings and rolled 0.04_01

I tested this, and after a merge and unmerge, I still see some odd
behavior.  For example, I merge user 11388 into user 9304, then unmerge
them.  Now, sometimes, when displaying the Admin Modify.html page for
user 11388 I am really seeing the page for 9304, like it is still seeing
and displaying the effective user from the previous merge.  This effect
seems to go away after several minutes so I wonder if it has something
to do with old merge data stored in cache somewhere.

> You should find RT-Extension-MergeUsers-0.04_01 on a cpan mirror near
> you sometime over the weekend.
> -kevin
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