[Rt-devel] Authoritative location of ticket requestor WAS: Cannot find the current requestor from the database

Jerrad Pierce jpierce at cambridgeenergyalliance.org
Thu Sep 3 16:56:58 EDT 2009

Just in case anyone else is having a similar problem as Samuli here,
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/80885, to easily
determine a ticket's requestor when hitting the db the answer lies in
the Groups and GroupMembers tables. To get a list the most prolific
requestors use:

  select distinct GroupMembers.MemberId, Count(Groups.Instance)
  AS cnt from Groups, GroupMembers where Groups.Domain =
  'RT::Ticket-Role' AND Groups.Type='Requestor' AND
  GroupMembers.GroupId = Groups.id GROUP BY
  GroupMembers.MemberId ORDER by cnt DESC LIMIT 10;

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