[Rt-devel] Can I "age" a ticket?

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Wed Sep 16 12:13:46 EDT 2009

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 04:47:46PM +0100, Gabriel - IP Guys wrote:
>    I would like to know if it is possible for the priority of a ticket to increase based on the
>    amount of time the ticket was created. For example, a ticket is created in the help queue,
>    with an initial priority of 30, and every hour it is in the queue, it's priority increases -
>    and maybe for some slower queues, we can increase the priority daily, instead of hourly.
>    Basically, for something like the help queue, if we say that we solve all issues in the help
>    queue within 10 hours, (I say ten hours because of the maths!) then every hour, the ticket
>    should increase in priority, 100/10 hours in queue. So in this example, something will come
>    into the queue with a default priority of 10, and after 1 hour, it will rise up to 20, after
>    2, become 30 etc. After 10 hours, (when we failed to hit target!), it'll be 100% priority,
>    (but prior to this,  it should have been moved to another queue, or resolved).

If you search the wiki, you'll find a number of examples using
rt-crontool to escalate priority over time


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