[Rt-devel] cli does not remove values from multi-value fields

Seth Galitzer sgsax at ksu.edu
Fri Apr 16 12:50:14 EDT 2010

I think I have managed to kill this bug.  A diff patch for the rt cli is 

There were two parts to the bug:
1) multi-value fields were not getting parsed properly when attempting 
to delete a value from the list
2) when adding values back to a multi-value field, additional space 
characters were inserted before the individual values

Part 1 was because of vsplit() splitting the values on a newline char 
when they were actually being returned in the REST form as 
comma-separated values.  My first fix was to just split on commas, but I 
then added the newline char back to the regex match.  This should 
provide flexibility and preserve any legacy code from other users.

Part 2 was in Form::compose() where new values were added back to the 
multi-value list string separated by a comma and then a space.  By 
removing the space character from the append string, extra spaces are no 
longer inserted.

This patch works with my own testing.  Please try it for yourself and 
make sure I haven't broken any other functionality.

I hope others find this useful and that it is considered for inclusion 
in the next release.


On 04/15/2010 12:01 PM, Seth Galitzer wrote:
> I brought this up with rt-bugs (ticket #14423) and it was suggested I
> bring it up here, too.
> Details are in the ticket, but the upshot is the cli does not deal with
> multi-value custom fields very well. If you try to remove a value from
> the list, unless it is the first one in the list, it is not removed.
> Also, spaces are added to list values when a value fails to be removed.
> I also noticed that when I try to add a value to a multi-value field,
> spaces are added to the front of the added value, much like in the
> erroneous delete I describe in the ticket.
> My best guess is that there is a bug somewhere in the vsplit and/or
> vpush subs, but I am not quite knowledgeable in perl enough yet to say
> for sure.
> We use the cli extensively in conjunction with custom fields in our
> automated processes, so finding a fix for this is rather important.
> I would be happy to help fix this in any way I can.
> Thanks.
> Seth

Seth Galitzer
Systems Coordinator
Computing and Information Sciences
Kansas State University
sgsax at ksu.edu
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