[Rt-devel] Mysql -> Oracle RT 4.0.0rc7

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Apr 6 19:17:32 EDT 2011

Hello Scott,

At some point installation for Oracle was simplified, so users don't
have to configure .ora file with connection details or setup TWO_TASK
environment variable to connect RT to the server. Try to set
DatabaseHost in the config to '' (empty string or undef) and
DatabaseName to SID_VALUE. This should generate the following DSN
"dbi:Oracle:sid=SID_VALUE". Documentation for DBD::Oracle says that
"dbi:Oracle:SID_VALUE" should work, but it doesn't say if
"dbi:Oracle:sid=SID_VALUE" is equal. Try it.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 12:39 AM, Scott T. Hildreth
<shildret at scotth.emsphone.com> wrote:
> We need to convert our RT db to Oracle, so I ran an upgrade on our
> current rt db (3.8.4) and then ran the migration tool from sqldeveloper.
> The migration tools created several triggers to emulate the
> autoincrement fields of mysql.  Do these triggers need to be there?  I
> assuming that the RT code uses nextval from the oracle sequences.  To
> try and answer this myself, I thought I would have rt4 install the db
> and see if the triggers are created.  When trying to run 'make initialize-database',
> I keep getting a connect error,
> Failed to connect to dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=rt4 as user
> 'rtadmin': ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user
> (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin)
> If Oracle is the db type, I don't think that a host param should be used.  At least
> in our case all host/port info is setup in tnsnames.ora.  Our new rt4 db  will be
> on a rac system, so we only want the tnsnames entry used ('dbi:Oracle:rt4'). If a hardcoded host
> and port are used it may not use all available nodes.   'rt4' is an alias, the underlying host,
> port, and service name can change without affecting RT.  Did I setup the config wrong or
> how can I change RT not to add the host param.
> Thanks You
> Scott
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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