[Rt-devel] RT 4.0.2rc1 released

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 8 11:27:11 EDT 2011

I'm happy to announce that RT 4.0.2rc1 is now available for testing.


SHA1 sums

a9447ff19cd61bba98d806e1f0d684b1b37ada7e  rt-4.0.2rc1.tar.gz
17f4f48517453821a8c28cbce4d219b6946b7b50  rt-4.0.2rc1.tar.gz.sig

This release contains a number of bugfixes and small improvements since
4.0.1, as well as some larger changes:

* Rewritten forward functionality to generate mail that better
represents the original messages received by RT

* Removal of the pure Perl Javascript::Minifier module which slowed down
initial requests to new webserver children.  jsmin or another external
minifier is now required to minify RT's javascript.

* Fix for a regression that caused group dashboards to vanish after
creation and not appear in the list of dashboards

A complete changelog is available from git by running `git log
rt-4.0.1..rt-4.0.2rc1` on the 4.0.2-releng branch.


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