[Rt-devel] RT Mobile: Makefile/General Questions

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Jul 14 16:40:58 EDT 2011

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 08:32:44PM +0000, Baca, Anthony wrote:
>    Hello,
>            I'm trying to set up RT mobile (which I found on
>    [1]http://blog.bestpractical.com/2010/08/mobile-rt.html ), but I had a few questions:
>      * First off, does RT mobile work with RT 4 (which is what I'm using)?

RT's Mobile UI is built into RT4, just browse to your RT server with
your blackberry, there is no app to build or transfer.


>      * Also, I ran into trouble just trying to use the makefile.pl:  Perl couldn't find
>        inc/Module/Install.pm. (And I looked in the Perl/lib directory and found this was true, so
>        I'm wondering where this module would come from)
>      * I'm also trying to figure out where the actual app that goes on the Black Berry (or other
>        mobile device) is. Put another way: "How is this Makefile related to the BlackBerry
>        itself? Do I build this app on my computer and then transfer it?"
>    I'm not sure if anyone else has being using "RT for mobile devices," but if you can help me
>    out in anyway, it would be greatly appreciated. I'd even like to hear other solutions someone
>    may have found for using RT with a Black Berry.
>    Many Thanks,
>    --Anthony Baca
> References
>    Visible links
>    1. http://blog.bestpractical.com/2010/08/mobile-rt.html

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