[rt-devel] RT 4.0.12rc1 ready for testing

Odhiambo Washington odhiambo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 12:47:16 EDT 2013

max_allowed_packet variables are in [mysqld] and [mysqldump] sections of my.cnf.
I've restarted mysqld but the values appear to be persistent, somehow...

On 26 April 2013 19:41, Kevin Falcone <falcone at bestpractical.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 07:36:06PM +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
>> [root at jaribu] ~/Tools/RT/rt-4.0.12rc1# grep max_allo vars.txt
>> max_allowed_packet      1048576
>> slave_max_allowed_packet        1073741824
> So - mysqld is still running with a 1MB max_allowed_packet according
> to that.
>> >> [root at jaribu] ~/Tools/RT/rt-4.0.12rc1# grep max_allowe /etc/my.cnf
>> >> max_allowed_packet = 5M
>> >> max_allowed_packet = 16M
> What sections are these max_allowed_packet's defined in?
> I'd guess that one is in the [mysqldump] section, not so sure about
> the 5M one, possibly [safe_mysqld] rather than [mysqld] or vice-versa.
> -kevin

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

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