[rt-devel] RT::Extension::ExternalStorage

Emmanuel Manganneau emanganneau at easter-eggs.com
Tue Sep 1 02:08:38 EDT 2015

Le 01/09/2015 07:45, Christian Loos a écrit :
> Hi,
> thanks for the suggestion but RT::Extension::ExternalStorage works
> perfect for us. Also, the extension functionality is already included in
> RT 4.4, so we stay with this.

I looked over ExternalStorage and had the same questions than yours (in 
your first post) : direct storage on disk and reuse of files. 
ExternalStorage is a backup solution : the "master" data are in the DB 
and that's not what I wanted.

Thus, I needed a CF which could provide choice between uploaded files, 
without copy them in attachments (think to a signature image in every 

The way data are stored in RT makes it very difficult to separate data 
from files (attachments, customfieldvalues, objectcustomfieldvalues and 
all their access and storage procedures) : that's why I introduced a now 
object (Document) and a minimum of code in order to preserve the way RT 
deals with associated data.

We are actually packaging the extension and will provide soon a tgz.


Easter-eggs                              Spécialiste GNU/Linux
44-46 rue de l'Ouest  -  75014 Paris  -  France -  Métro Gaité
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