[rt-users] username

Stephen J. Lawrence Jr. stephenl at examen.com
Thu Apr 20 10:37:26 EDT 2000

If it is via email, there needs to be a valid email address for the requestor,
since RT begins correspondence with the user based on their email address. Just
curious, how are you sending an email without having an email address in the
from field?

Joe Talbott wrote:

> Hi All,
> I can't seem to create a ticket via email with a username like
> 'josepht'. Yet if I change the username to "josepht at domain.com" where
> this is the email address the email comes from, the ticket is created
> fine.  Am I missing something easy here?
> Thanks,
> Joe Talbott
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Stephen Lawrence
-Support Technician & Webmaster
-Examen, Inc.
-stephenl at examen.com
-916-921-4300 ext. 703

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