[rt-users] handling large queues

J.D. Falk jdfalk at mail-abuse.org
Thu Dec 7 00:33:50 EST 2000

On 12/06/00, Othmar Pasteka <op at atnet.at> wrote: 

> how do people handle large queues? say, with several hundred to
> over 2 thousend tickets? and there isn't a further sane possibility to
> divide those mails into subqueues. but in general, how am i
> expected to maintain/handle such queues?
> mostly it's a problem because netcrap renders those tables for a
> looong time which sucks more or less.

	When there's nothing that I or anyone in my organization can
	do to resolve a ticket, I usually mark it "stalled" (so that
	it isn't on the default view anymore); soon as the Requestor
	e-mails in a response, it'll be re-opened and we will pay
	attention to it again.

J.D. Falk                                             "Laughter is the sound
Product Manager                          that knowledge makes when it's born."
Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC                  -- The Cluetrain Manifesto

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