[rt-users] RT with phone suppor?

Tobias Brox tobiasb at tobiasb.funcom.com
Sat Jul 22 16:42:17 EDT 2000

> It looks as though 2.0 will have some stuff I need, including the 
> requester's web interface, support for requesters without email addresses 
> and support for PostgreSQL (I read that on the web site).

RT2 is officially not ready for beeing used yet, it misses some cruical
things like access control and changing queues, and the installation
process is probably missing some pieces ... but still, I would recommend
those that are interessted (and are prepared to spend some time fighting
with it) to having a look at it.  Actually we do use the RT2 that is in
the CVS today (tag rt-1-1 of historical reasons) in the production here,
just with some slight modifications in config.pm and rtmux.pl. 

However, the CVS version is expected to destabilize and restabilize a bit
before we're getting closer to beta release.

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