[rt-users] q_status

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Sun Mar 26 13:21:43 EST 2000

There are a bunch of places you'd need to make the change and they're not all
well defined. :/  "unresolved" is just a metastatus which includes "open" and "stalled"


On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 10:38:44PM -0800, Eric Fisher wrote:
> Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 22:38:44 -0800 (PST)
> From: Eric Fisher <efisher at solution-soft.com>
> To: rt-users at fsck.com
> Subject: [rt-users] q_status
> List-Id: For users of RT: Request Tracker <rt-users.lists.fsck.com>
> Hi.  We've been running RT here for about 3 months now.  Great product!  
> We just upgraded to 1.0.2, and we have one thing we were wondering about.  
> Is it possible to change and/or add categories to the q_status list?  
> How difficult is it and how much needs to be hacked or modified?  Also,
> I've seen in the source that there should be an 'unresolved' status, but
> in our interface, we don't get that option.  Is there some way to activate
> that or is there a problem for databases that get upgraded from a pre
> 1.0.2 database?
> Thanks for your help.
> -Eric Fisher
> SolutionSoft Systems, Inc.
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jesse reed vincent -- jrvincent at wesleyan.edu -- jesse at fsck.com 
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'"As the company that brought users the Internet, Netscape is now inviting 
the more than 60 million people who have used our client software to
'tune up' and upgrade to Netscape Communicator," said Mike Homer, 
senior vice president of marketing at Netscape.'  Sometimes I wonder.

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