[rt-users] Problems with the installation of rt 1.0.2

Fischer Oliver nexus at fileseeker.net
Wed May 3 08:02:30 EDT 2000

Tanks Tobias,

this is the solution!



>> I've tried to install rt on a FreeBSD Box. The installation was
>> successfull, but if I access via HTTP, I get a 'Internal
>> Servererror'.
>> The same porblem occurs if I try it on a commandline. The
>> errormessage
>> is 'Undefined subroutine CGI::Vars'.
>> Do someone know this problem?

> Yeah, we've seen this before.  The version of CGI that follows
> FreeBSD
> is rather obscure.  Get version 2.62 from CPAN.

> --
> Tobias Brox
> aka TobiX
> +47 22 925 871

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