[rt-users] Email on ticket creation

Paul Lussier pll at mclinux.com
Tue Oct 24 13:02:39 EDT 2000

In a message dated: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 17:35:54 BST
"Ben Carter" said:

>Doesn't that also send out an email to the requestor every time someone
>updates the call?

No, it just notifies Queue Members of every transaction.  There are 3 
categories in the admin interface under "Modify Queue":



	   Send email notification of each transaction

This one only notifies the *owner* of each transaction.  If an incoming e-mail 
creates a new request, by default, the owner is 'nobody' and no e-mail get 
sent to an "owner" until one is assigned.  The default owner can be changed 
by setting a 'default' tag in the RT code at the proper place.

	 Queue members

This  category of people to notify consists of the list of people on the right 
hand side of the interface for whom you've created "RT" accounts for.

	   Send email notification of each transaction

This option will send notification on every transaction which occurs.

	   Send copies of all correspondence

This will send only copies of correspondance, not notification of when the 
status/owner has changed, etc. Just comments between the Requestor and Owner.

	   Send copies of all comments

This sends just comments, not all correspondance.


The Requestors are those who originate a request.

	 (requestors will always be sent copies of all correspondence.) 

	   Send email notifications of each transaction (except comment)

This option will notify the requestor when anything changes wrt the request, 
but not send "comments" added to the request.

	   Send an autoreply on request creation

This option sends the requestor an autoreply back to them letting them know 
that their request has been received and assigned a tracking number.

Hope this helps.
	   I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

	 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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