[rt-users] Mason error

Miroslav Laus laus at suse.cz
Wed Aug 15 03:41:04 EDT 2001

On Wed 15.Aug, Jesse wrote:
> I'm going to take a wild guess that you don't have a new enough CGI.pm.
> Does 'make testdeps' claim that everything is all set for 2.0.5? I just
> tested this functionality locally and it looks ok.
>         j
This is the output of my `make testdeps`:

yeti:/usr/local/src/rt-2-0-5 # make testdeps
/usr/bin/perl ./tools/testdeps -warn mysql
Checking for DBI 1.18 ...found
Checking for DBIx::DataSource 0.02 ...found
Checking for DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.40 ...found
Checking for HTML::Entities...found
Checking for MLDBM...found
Checking for Net::Domain...found
Checking for Net::SMTP...found
Checking for Params::Validate 0.02 ...found
Checking for HTML::Mason 0.896 ...found
Checking for CGI::Cookie 1.20 ...found
Checking for Apache::Cookie...found
Checking for Apache::Session 1.53 ...found
Checking for Date::Parse...found
Checking for Date::Format...found
Checking for MIME::Entity 5.108 ...found
Checking for Mail::Mailer 1.20 ...found
Checking for Getopt::Long 2.24 ...found
Checking for Tie::IxHash...found
Checking for Text::Wrapper...found
Checking for Text::Template...found
Checking for File::Spec 0.8 ...found
Checking for Errno...found
Checking for FreezeThaw...found
Checking for File::Temp...found
Checking for Log::Dispatch 1.6 ...found
Checking for DBD::mysql 2.0416 ...found
yeti:/usr/local/src/rt-2-0-5 # 

Which perl module is the CGI.pm ? I can try to force-install it again.


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