[rt-users] PerlHandler RT::Mason is the bane of my LIFE!

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Tue Jul 24 10:40:50 EDT 2001

>>>>> "DM" == Dan McLean <danmc at chariot.net.au> writes:

DM> The above link suggests that mod_php and mod_perl do not work well together,
DM> so using Apachetoolbox I removed mod_php, and removed any reference to php

You have to have the very bleeding edge mod_perl to avoid conflicts
with mod_php (I think you also need the latest bleeding edge mod_php).

Also, if you do have mod_php with mysql support, make sure it is not
using its own private version of the mysqlclient library; it must use
the system installed version for it to work with mod_perl and DBI.

Since you're behind a squid proxy/accelerator, is it possible to
access the mod_perl server directly?  What do the error log files say
on the mod_perl server?

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