[rt-users] Outlook mail formatting problems

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Mon Jun 18 15:31:13 EDT 2001

On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 11:37:27AM +0200, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> hi,
> Our installation of RT looses its line breaks in emails when viewed in outlook
> mail clients.  Can anyone give me some hints on how to fix this? 

Presumably you're talking about mail entered via the web ui.  You might
want to look at what sort of line wrapping the text entry box is doing or
possibly using one of the many perl Text reflowing modules to wrap at 
some number of cols.  iirc, there's even a routine to do this somewhere
in RT1's libraries.


> we use RT 1.0.7
> thank you.
> -- 
> R.I.Pienaar - rip at devco.net
> 	           "It is either easy or impossible." - Dali
>        Sent from: http://shell.devco.net/rip/?loc=-33.7999,18.4667
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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