[rt-users] No subject of the ticket sent

Andrzej Bursztynski Andrzej.Bursztynski at pse.pl
Fri Nov 16 12:45:39 EST 2001


I've upgraded from RT1 to 2.0.9pre5, today moved to 2.0.9 and we're 
missing the subject of the ticket on mail.

When the ticket is created, the e-mail notification is sent correctly with the
subject defined  with 'Transaction' template to AdminCC according to the Scrips
rules. But this is the last time Subject is sent. Any further e-mail doesn't
show subject, but 'No subject given' is displayed.

My 'Transaction' template (translated to Polish, same with the default

"{$Transaction->CreatedAsString}: Korespondencja dot zgłoszenia {$Ticket->id}.

 Transakcja: {$Transaction->Description}
    Kolejka: {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}
    Subject: {$Transaction->Subject || "(No subject given)"}
 Właściciel: {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}
Zgłaszający: {$Ticket->Requestors->EmailsAsString()}
       Stan: {$Ticket->Status}
        URL: <URL: {$RT::WebURL}Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->id} >

OnCreate AutoreplyToRequestors with template Autoreply 
OnCreate NotifyAdminCcs with template Transaction 
OnResolve NotifyRequestors with template Resolved 

OnTransaction NotifyOwner with template Transaction 
OnTransaction NotifyAdminCcs with template Transaction 
OnCorrespond NotifyAdminCcs with template AdminCorrespondence 
OnComment NotifyAdminCcsAsComment with template AdminComment

Looks like any transaction ( 'Comments added', 'Correspondence added', 'Status
changed', 'FinalPriority changed' , 'Ticket xxx MergedInto ticket yyy', 'Given
to', 'Taken by') but "Ticket created" causes subject to be null.

Kłaniam sie


-=====================Uwaga! Zmiana numerów telefonicznych=====================
-= Andrzej Bursztynski, email: and at pse.pl tel +48-27-2221112 fax +48-27-2221209
-= Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA, 00-950 Warszawa, ul. Mysia 2, POLAND
-=====================Uwaga! Zmiana numerów telefonicznych=====================

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