[fwd] Re: [rt-users] [fwd] Multiple instances of rt2 under one apache server.

Adam R Prato arp-rt2 at metachar.net
Thu Oct 11 01:25:38 EDT 2001

* Greg White wrote on 10 Oct 2001:

> On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 08:23:51PM -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > mod_perl isn't compartmentalized within vhosts.  what you want to do 
> > is to set up each seperate RT instance on its own apache httpd running
> > on a high port bound to localhost. Then use mod_proxypass to pass 
> > connections off to the right subserver.  Or use the fastcgi handler.
> > 
> > 	-j
> Or, if it were me, running in a private address space (RFC1918 et. al)
> simply bind each apache instance to a different local address. Sounds a
> lot simpler to me...

Thanks to everyone for their advice. I'm running apache on different high ports
rather than use an additional IP address. Wether I use an IP address or a
high port, I still have to maintain N number of configurations for N number of
RT instances.

The configuration now looks like:

    ProxyPass /demo       http://request.domain.com:8011/demo
    ProxyPass /systems    http://request.domain.com:8012/systems
    ProxyPass /facilities http://request.domain.com:8013/facilities
    ProxyPass /operations http://request.domain.com:8014/operations

(Yes, I'm still obfuscating our domain even though I was tired in the previous
email and leaked both the domain and the IP space used. How lame of me).

each of these apache configurations have a very typical instance of rt

<VirtualHost X.X.X.15>
    DocumentRoot /proj/request
    ServerName request.domain.com
        PerlModule Apache::DBI
        PerlFreshRestart On
        SetHandler perl-script
    <Directory />
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from X.X.*,Y.Y.*,Z.Z.*
    <Location /INSTANCE>
        PerlHandler RT::Mason
        PerlRequire /proj/request/INSTANCE/bin/webmux.pl
        AuthName "Request System Authentication"
        AuthType Basic
        PerlSetVar myPDC PDC
        PerlSetVar myBDC BDC
        PerlSetVar myDOMAIN DOMAIN
        PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSmb
        require valid-user

I've modified my apache startup to look for /var/apache.* (I may investigate
something more elegant), and start up an apache process for each apache dir if
the httpd.config exists in /var/HTTPDIR/conf/httpd.conf

Onward to future rt battles...


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