[rt-users] 2.0.8 POST problem

Jeremy M. Smith jeremy at whatever.ucdavis.edu
Thu Oct 18 19:00:27 EDT 2001


I've been happily using RT1 for almost three years. Today, I decided to
make the jump to RT2. The installation went well, and everything from my
RT1 instance imported perfectly. But there is some problem with any RT2
form that uses the POST method instead of GET. With the main login screen,
for instance, if I try to use the username and password form elements, I
just get dumped back to the same screen. However, if I tag on
?user=xxxx&pass=yyyy to the base RT2 URL, I get in just fine. It seems
that most of the other forms use GET, so the system is functional, but
several of the administrative forms use POST.

I have checked the list archives. There have been a few threads talking
about this problem, but no solutions aside from changing all of the POSTs
in the code over to GETs, which seems clunky.

If I look in my webserver logs, it looks like the browser is actually
sending two separate requests, almost as if the HTTP headers were getting
messed up:

169.237.xxx.yyy - - [18/Oct/2001:13:39:01 -0700] "POST /rt2/ HTTP/1.1" 200
169.237.xxx.yyy - - [18/Oct/2001:13:39:01 -0700] "user=test&pass=testGET
/rt2/NoAuth/webrt.css HTTP/1.1" 200 1484

This problem is consistent across several different browsers, including
Mozilla, IE 5.5, and Netscape 4.7.

I'm using RT 2.0.8, Apache 1.3.19, Perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.26 and fresh
builds of all the required Perl modules (compiled from CPAN today) all on
a RedHat 7.0 system.

Has anybody else seen this behaviour (and, hopefully, a solution)?


Jeremy M. Smith <jeremy at ucdavis.edu>
Technical Support Manager, Programmer
University of California, Davis
Languages and Literatures
Language Learning Center

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