[rt-users] Aliasing question

Sean Lutner sean at techtarget.com
Mon Apr 8 14:47:01 EDT 2002

I'm currently setting up the queues I will use within RT. I have three
queues. My question is in regards to mail aliases.

If I have a queue called support at mydomain.com, is it ok to alias
support-comment at mydomain.com to the support address. I'm using postfix
1.1.5 and the alias would look like this in the virtual file

support-comment at mydomain.com	support

The aliases file will still contain the line

support-comment: "|/path/to/rt/bin/rt-mailgate --queue support --action

Can I do this, or do I need to create a seperate account for all the
-comment addresses?


Sean Lutner
Senior Systems & Network Administrator
TechTarget, Inc.
117 Kendrick St, Suite 800
Needham, MA 02494
P:  781-657-1337
F:  781-657-1100
E:  sean at techtarget.com W: http://www.techtarget.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -- Albert Einstein

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