[rt-users] RT 2.0.14 - is there a way to highlight tickets, which I need to react on?

Robie Basak robie at principle.co.uk
Thu Aug 15 04:20:49 EDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 23:56, Ronny Bremer wrote:
> Hi there,
> while I was using RT 1 for a while I recently switched to RT 2. Great
> difference, great functionality -> Jesse :)
> Anyway, quick question. If I look at a search for all my open tickets,
> I cannot dertermine directly, if I need to react on a specific one. I
> can see last contact and last action, but I would like to see, if the
> last action was NOT done by me.
> So if last action != owner, could they be highlighted in some way
> directly in the list of open or assigned tickets?

I was after something similiar, but I hadn't thought of that very easy
way of doing it :)

(I was thinking more of a flag per ticket specifying if the new owner
has seen it yet, but that would involve messing with the DB I think).

So I implemented what you said. My modifications to MyTickets are below,
which include this change and also adding a Priority field (easy to
remove if you don't want it).


--- /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html/Elements/MyTickets	Tue Nov  6 23:06:58 2001
+++ /var/local/rt2/WebRT/html/Elements/MyTickets	Thu Aug 15 09:12:26 2002
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => "25 highest priority tickets I own..." &>
+<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => "25 highest priority open and new tickets I own..." &>
 <TABLE BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 WIDTH=100%>
 <TH ALIGN=LEFT>Subject</TH>
+<TH ALIGN=LEFT>Priority</TH>
 % while (my $Ticket = $MyTickets->Next) {
+%   if($Ticket->Transactions->Last->CreatorObj->Id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id) {
+<TR bgcolor=#eedddd>
+%   } else {
+%   }
@@ -19,6 +24,8 @@

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