[rt-users] fsck...

Derek J. Balling dredd at megacity.org
Thu Aug 22 10:19:48 EDT 2002

OK, I sent this to Jesse, but realized I might also be better off (and 
Jesse would be better off *grin*) if I sent this to the list itself.

I had the old "webrt" debian package installed. In its configs, it'd 
asked me for "what to call the RT system", so I called it "ByramRT", 
because that seemed like a nice name. and then later promptly forgot all 
about it. When I moved to the 2.0.x tarball, I followed the suggestions 
which said "don't pollute the namespace, use your hostname". I then 
happily imported my data...keyed off ByramRT.

Now I've got two names in the system (from the old system, and from the 
new system), and it's torqueing the entire thing as you can well 
imagine.  Any time someone replies to, say "rt.OURDOMAIN.com #NNN", they 
get a response from "ByramRT #XXX", thanking them for starting a ticket 
up, etc. etc.

Is there any clean way of solving this? Somehow I have the feeling this 
is going to be one of those "dump the DB, trash it and start over" but 
I'd really prefer NOT to do that.


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