[rt-users] suidperl?

Bruce Campbell bruce_campbell at ripe.net
Fri Aug 23 03:01:11 EDT 2002

On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Malcolm Herbert wrote:

> I'm attempting to install rt 2.0.14 on a NetBSD 1.5.2 machine.

You have my sympathies ;)

> Apparently NetBSD does not support suidperl, so it isn't directly
> available from the usual sources ...

The NetBSD default perl is not compiled with suid support.  You can get
support (or so I've seen) by recompiling perl with the appropriate magic
flags.  However, you do not need suidperl.

> My question is whether or not I need it ... if I can run the CGI stuff
> as the rt user from Apache (by running an instance of Apache as the rt
> user) and all the housekeeping stuff from the rt crontab, why would I
> need it (apart from mail stuff)?

You still don't need it for the mail stuff.  Search for 'suid' or
'procmail' in RT/FM.

( Sorry if I'm harping a point here, but suid scripts are a curse, and
  should never be allowed in a production environment.  Then again,
  general security is one of my RL jobs )

> Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at http://fsck.com/rtfm


                             Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
                   Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
                 www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B             Operations/Security

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