[rt-users] Trouble with make install

Bruce Campbell bruce_campbell at ripe.net
Sun Jan 13 16:12:05 EST 2002

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Mike Stackhouse wrote:

> /usr/bin/perl   tools/initdb 'mysql' '/usr/local/bin/mysql' 'localhost' '' 'sams
> a' 'rt' create
> Now creating a database for RT.
> Enter the mysql password for samsa:
> Creating mysql database rt.
> DBD::mysql::db do failed: Can't create database 'rt'. (errno: 13) at /usr/local/

At a rough guess, you've defined 'samsa' as the DB_DBA in the Makefile,
and the 'samsa' MySQL user simply does not have permission to create
databases in MySQL as per the "Can't create database" error.

 The comment on DB_DBA in the Makefile is relevant:

	# Set DB_DBA to the name of a DB user with permission to create new databases
	# Set DB_DBA_PASSWORD to that user's password (if you don't, you'll be prompted
	# later)

> We're relative newbies to Unix - been running our Freebsd 4.2 machine
> for about 8 months or so.

As a side note, you might want to look at www.freebsd.org and see what
security issues have been raised with that release.


                             Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
                                    RIPE 41                             NCC
                       Jan 14-18, Amsterdam                      Operations

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