[rt-users] NotifyOtherRecipients - not working OnCreate?

Andy Coates andy at bribed.net
Thu Jul 11 09:47:03 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I've got a pretty new install of RT2 running, and I'm starting to tweak
the Scrips a bit further.

At the moment I have two OnCreate's - one for AutoreplyToRequestors, and
one for NotifyAdminCcs.  What I'm trying to do is add a third which will
also send a template to NotifyOtherRecipients (CC and BCCs), but after
adding the Scrip (verifying its applied to the right queue) and creating
a test ticket from the web interface - its still only sending OnCreate
mails to the first two Scrips, but not the new one.

Have I missed any permissions anywhere?  I'm lost now, so any help


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