[rt-users] RT Install Problems on RedHat 7.2

Jim Meyer purp at wildbrain.com
Thu Jun 13 12:44:39 EDT 2002

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 08:42, James L. Harrison wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried reinstalling that package manually and got the same results... make
> dropdb is needing there to be a Mysql.pm and their is only a mysql.pm...
> When I copy mysql.pm to Mysql.pm I get an error that says:
>     Can't locate object method "drop_database" via package
> "DBIx::DataSource::Mysql at (eval 1) line 1, <STDIN> line 2.
> I am not that well versed in mysql so I am having some trouble... should I
> try and install Mysql from source?  Or is this problem unrelated?

This is where I say "Duh!" and smack my forehead:

In your /path/to/rt2/etc/config.pm, I'm guessing you've told it that:


...when you should have told it:


--j, a bit slow this morning.
Jim Meyer, Geek At Large                              purp at wildbrain.com

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