[rt-users] Improved nag script (contribution)
cbailiff at awayweb.com
cbailiff at awayweb.com
Fri May 3 06:32:13 EDT 2002
I made some changes to the nag script (contrib/rt2.0/nag) to make it a bit
more useful for our rt2 installation (as opposed to Jesses').
The script should be given a list of queues on the command line. For each
queue, each priviliged user will be mailed a list of open and new tickets,
listed in priority order (with due dates where set).
The script uses Mail::Send, so it should find a mailer OK on most systems,
otherwise you can modify the actual sending part quite easily.
Hope it's useful.
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# $Log$
use strict;
use Carp;
use lib "/opt/rt2/lib";
use lib "/opt/rt2/etc";
use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv LoadConfig DBConnect
GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent);
use Mail::Send;
#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
#Load etc/config.pm and drop privs
#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
use RT::Date;
use RT::Queue;
use RT::Tickets;
use RT::Users;
use Data::Dumper;
foreach my $queue_name (@ARGV) {
my $safe_queue_name=($queue_name=~tr/[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]//cd);
my $queue = new RT::Queue($RT::SystemUser);
my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
# find users who might own tickets in this queue
my $Users = new RT::Users($RT::SystemUser);
# should work, but something wrong
#$Users->HasQueueRight( $queue->Id, Right=>'OwnTicket');
# close enough
while (my $Owner=$Users->Next) {
my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser);
$tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open');
$tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new');
$tickets->LimitQueue(VALUE => $queue->Id);
$tickets->LimitOwner(VALUE => $Owner->Name);
$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'Priority', ORDER=>'DESC');
my $body;
my $count=0;
while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
if (!defined($body)) { # 1st time through only
$body.="New/Open tickets for ".$Owner->Name." for queue ".$queue->Name."\n\n";
$body.="Id# Pri Due Date Subject\n";
$body.=sprintf "%-5d %3d %19.19s %-60s\n", $Ticket->Id, $Ticket->Priority,
($Ticket->DueObj->Unix >0 ? $Ticket->DueObj->AsString : ''), $Ticket->Subject;
if ($body && defined($Owner->EmailAddress)) {
my $msg = new Mail::Send Subject=>
"RT: ".$queue->Name." - $count outstanding tickets for ".$Owner->Name,
# $msg->add("From",($RT::CommentAddress));
my $fh = $msg->open;
print $fh $body;
$fh->close; # complete the message and send it
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