[rt-users] A little script for using qmail with rt

Matthias Juchem juchem at uni-mannheim.de
Tue May 28 19:51:02 EDT 2002


I am lazy. I do not want to update an mail alias file when I add a new queue 
to rt.

That is why I have written this little script, i at the end.

I guess it might be quite useful for other people too, so, have fun.

Best regards,


use strict;

# qmail2rt v0.2
# (c) 2002 by Matthias Juchem <matthias at konfido.net>
# May be distributed freely, but I do not take responsibility for damage.
# Feedback is welcome.
# This script is used for piping mails delivered by qmail to rt-mailgate.
# Setup:
# a) one virtual domains for rt with one user ($receiver) who receives all
#    mail for this domain (e.g. all mail for support.acme.com goes to user
#    rt).
# b) ~$receiver/.qmail-default says:
#      | /var/qmail/bin/preline /home/$receiver/qmail2rt.pl
#      (e.g. "| /var/qmail/bin/preline /home/rt/qmail2rt.pl") 
# c) mail address for queues are built like this:
#     $queue-$action at virtualdomain
#   ( e.g. accounting-correspond at support.acme.com )
#    That means that LOCAL will contain rt-accounting-correspond.
# d) In the file $queuelistfile you can list all valid queues. Furthermore,
#    you can decide whether qmail2rt insists on having this file. But if the
#    file is present, qmail2rt will only accept mail for queus listed in this
#    file.
# e) @names contains some mail aliases. Mails to those addresses will be
#    forwarded to $rtowner. (e.g. if @names contains 'postmaster', mail
#    to postmaster at support.acme.com is forwarded to $rtowner.)

# Configuration variables - Change these for your site if necessary.

# mail address of the rt admin (do quote the "@"!)
my $rtowner       = "rtowner\@gigashells.net";

# full path to the queue list file
my $queuelistfile = "/home/rt/queuelist";

# set to 1 if $queuelistfile is mandatory, 0 if it optional
my $qlfmandatory  = 1;

# full path to the rt-mailgate programme
my $mailgate      = "/usr/local/lib/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate";

# full path to qmail-inject
my $qmailinject   = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject";

# $receiver is the local user that receives all mail for our rt-subdomain.
my $receiver      = "rt";

# @names contains an array of mail aliases that should go to $rtowner 
# directly
my @names         = ( "root", "postmaster", "mailer-daemon",
                      "rtowner", "owner", "admin", "hostmaster" );

# set to 1 qmail2rt should not send any hard errors, 0 else
my $noharderrors  = 0;

# set to 1 if user and group IDs should be sent with bounces. might be
# a problem wrt to security, but is useful while installing rt
my $sendugids     = 0;

# nothing should be changes below, i guess

my $debug = 0; # internal use
my $qrtversion = "0.2";

sub bounce($$); # forward declaration of bounce(), useful for sending errors
sub hbounce($); # wrapper for bounce() for hard errors
sub sbounce($); # wrapper for bounce() for soft errors
sub debug($);   # internal use

if(! defined($ENV{"LOCAL"}) ) {
    # qmail sets the LOCAL environment variable to the left-hand part of the
    # final email address that receives the mail
    hbounce("LOCAL not set.");

my $local = lc($ENV{"LOCAL"});
$local =~ s/^$receiver-(.*)$/$1/; # strip the rt- at the beginning

debug "local is set to $local now";

# check if the mail went to one of the alias mentioned in @names
foreach my $name (@names) {
    if( $name eq $local ) {
	if( system( $qmailinject, $rtowner) != 0 ) {
	    hbounce("Unable to execute qmail-inject. ($?)");
	exit 0;

my $action=undef;
my $queue=$local;

# determine what to do with the mail
if( $local =~ m/^\w+-correspond$/ ) {
    $action = "correspond";
    $queue =~ s/^(\w+)-correspond$/$1/;
} elsif( $local =~ m/^\w+-comment$/ ) {
    $action = "comment";
    $queue =~ s/^(\w+)-comment$/$1/;
} elsif ( $local =~ m/^\w+$/ ) {
    # correspond is our default action
    $action = "correspond";
} else {
    $queue =~ s/^(\w+)-\w+$/$1/;

# check $queuelistfile for $queue
my $found = 0;
if(open QLIST, "<$queuelistfile") {
    foreach my $entry (<QLIST>) {
	chomp $entry;
	if($entry eq $queue) {
    close QLIST;
} else {
    # if we do not bounce here then rt will complain if the queue is not 
    # known
    sbounce("Unable to open queue list file.") if($qlfmandatory);

    if(defined($action)) {
	if( system( $mailgate, '--queue', $queue, '--action', $action) !=0) {
	    hbounce("Unable to execute rt-mailgate. ($?)");
	exit 0;
    } else {
	sbounce("No suitable action found.");
} else {
    sbounce("Queue $queue not known.");

############## subroutines ##################################################

sub bounce($$) { # parameters: return code for qmail-send, short bounce msg.
    my $error = shift;
    my $text  = shift;
    # REUG stands for: Real Effective User Groups:
    # [REUG: real user, effective user, real groups, effective groups]
    # LAQ: similar ($local, $action and $queue)

    $action="" unless defined($action);
    $queue="" unless defined($queue);
    $local="" unless defined($local);

    my $message = "\nqmail2rt $qrtversion has detected the following ".
	"Please notify $rtowner if this problem persists. The line(s) ".
	"lines below will help him to fix the problem.\n\n".
	"[LAQ: \'$local\', \'$action\', \'$queue\']\n";
    if($sendugids) {
	$message = $message."[REUG: $<,$>,$(,$)]\n\n";
    } else {
	$message = $message."\n";
    print STDERR $message;
    exit $error;

sub hbounce($) { # parameter: short bounce message
    if($noharderrors) {
    } else {
	bounce(100, shift);

sub sbounce($) { # parameter: short bounce message
    bounce(111, shift);

sub debug($) { # parameter: debug message
    return unless $debug;
    my $text = shift;
    print STDERR "DEBUG: ", $text,"\n";

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