[rt-users] Evaluation of RT

Ruben Schattevoy schattev at biochem.mpg.de
Thu Oct 10 03:28:22 EDT 2002

Autrijus Tang wrote:
>>1. Can we set mandatory fields that help desk people will have to enter ?
>>Transation: We need to force our help desk people to enter information. 
>>Some manadatory fields might be phone numbers and the type of OS,
>>or physical origin of the problem. Could all of these 'mandatory fields' be
>>defined in a templet ?
> Yes.  This is well-defined with the per-Queue 'Custom Fields' settings,
> which can let you specify single-input, single-select, multiple-input
> and multiple-select data types are part of a ticket's data that has
> to be filled in.

A related question: For my understanding, commenting
a "new" ticket is quite some illogical. In almost all
cases the editor will have simply forgotten do switch
the ticket's status to "open".

How would I configure RT to prevent editors from
commenting on tickets that are still in the "new"

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