[rt-users] RT:2.0.15 New Install - Listing tickets

Vik Bhatia vbhatia at lbl.gov
Mon Oct 28 23:10:48 EST 2002

I just installed RT 2.0.15 with mysql (Oracle was not working out....). 
I successfully configured the email bit and am able to create tickets 
when I send mail to the "queue". That works pretty well! I am however, 
unable to see a list of tickets when I log in(root). In the "Home" page 
(after I log in) I see "25 highest priority tickets I own..." and "25 
highest priority tickets I requested...". Both show up nothing. The 
"Find new/open tickets" summary box on the home page shows that I have 2 
new tickets (resulting from the two emails I sent). I however do not see 
the tickets anywhere.

I click on the queue name and that takes me into the search page for 
that queue. After entering the search criteria, I still fail to bring up 
the list of tickets... what's going on? Is there a permissions issue? I 
am in as root.

Is there a log file where I can see what's going on or any error 
messages that were encountered?

Thanks in advance!


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