[rt-users] RT 3.0, postfix, wrong outgoing address

Curtis Rempel curtis at telus.net
Wed Apr 2 21:59:29 EST 2003

I'm testing my new install of RT 3.0 and having a problem with the
outgoing email address. 

Instead of it coming from rt at mydomain.com, it is addressed from
apache at mydomain.com

I've got the following in my /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm file:

Set($CorrespondAddress , 'rt at mydomain.com');
Set($CommentAddress , 'rt-comment at mydomain.com');

and have restarted httpd but the logs still show that the email going
out after creating a ticket is from apache at mydomain.com

I've read the FAQ and searched the archives, but I'm not entirely sure
what is causing this.  I am using sendmailpipe as the mail command.

I suppose I could put in a postfix rewrite rule for apache to be rt
instead, but then what about rt-comment? (or is simply mapping apache to
rt sufficient?)

I would have thought that the above two Set commands would do the
trick.  What else am I missing?



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