[rt-users] backing up RT2

Joseph Spenner joseph85750 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 8 17:47:19 EDT 2003

I'm running RT 2.0.15 with mysql.
I've successfully done backup/restore, but was curious
about the rt2 database in mysql.  I've read posts
about this, but my solution is a lot simpler.  Am I
missing something?  My restored RT functions fine.

To backup the database, I have a cron job that fires
off at night and runs a script which does the

now=`/bin/date +%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M`

# set dump directory
/usr/bin/mysqldump --opt rt2 > $dumpdir/$now.rt2.sql

Then I backup the yyyy.mm.dd.hh.mm.rt2.sql file.

To load this into my newly built/restored RT box, I
simply do:

# mysql rt2 < YYYY.MM.DD.HH.MM.rt2.sql

( if restoring into an older RT2, go into the build
directory and 'make dropdb' , 'make install' ).

And that's pretty much it.  The dump is very fast, and
is done while everything is still running.
Is there anything I've missed?

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