[rt-users] Help for beginner

Robin Bowes robin-lists at robinbowes.com
Mon Aug 25 18:09:26 EDT 2003

On Mon, August 25, 2003 9:42 pm, "ahorn at deorth.org" said:
> I have used my head to figure out RT. I am still ignorant of many of its
> aspects. A lot of the underlying Mason stuff I don't understand. I am not
> a database expert so the schema visualisation doesn't help me that much
> either. I have'nt found an overall 'this is how RT works' type document
> you know..
> user clicks button to submit ticket.. the folowing code is executed etc...
> Without that roadmap it becomes hellish to try and extent.


You've hit the nail on the head.

I'm not some clueless newbie coming asking for someone to tell me which
buttons to press. I'm reasonably competent, but have no clue about the way
RT hangs together, which makes it difficult for me to know where to look
to work out how to configure it.

Something like the qmail big picture (http://www.nrg4u.com/) would help me
greatly to configure RT.

As it happens, I've discovered that mod_perl is rather too memory hungry
for my Celeron 333Hmz and 256MB RAM so I'm not proceeding with RT any
further at this stage.


Robin Bowes | http://robinbowes.com

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