[rt-users] Performance issues with rt3 - old topic new again..

Senoner Samuel Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu
Mon Dec 15 10:40:28 EST 2003

I also have one machine, which is a dual P2 499, and one single P3 933
The slower machine works with more users and so on, so it is clear that it's slower.
Anywhay an old machine has also slower ram, slower bus to access the harddisk than the new one, so a single 933 is twice times faster than a dual 499, when not more in my opinion.
In my case the process that takes most is postgres, not apache.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Schubert [mailto:jschubert at linearcorp.com] 
Sent: Monday,15 December,2003 08:35
To: Rainer Duffner
Cc: rt-users at lists.fsck.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Performance issues with rt3 - old topic new again..

On Sun, 2003-12-14 at 20:02, Rainer Duffner wrote:

> > I have a dual PII 333Mhz system with 512MB of RAM dedicated to the 
> > task of running rt3. (Well, at this point rt3 is just a test 
> > install.) I am running
> > rt3 with FreeBSD 5.1 with SMP, Apache 1.3, modperl1, and MySQL 3.23. 
> > 17 queues, 2 users with rights, less than 500 tickets.

Sounds like a similar experience I had (I was the original author of this thread).  Everyone said memory was an issue, but I think it was CPU.  I had a 25-30 second wait, but I only had one P2 333 CPU.  Once going to 677MHz (or thereabouts) with 512 MB of RAM, wait time went to practically zero. 

Just my humble opinion (which seems to be always wrong nowadays).


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