[rt-users] Showing ticket history/content in a template

Koos van den Hout koos at kzdoos.xs4all.nl
Tue Dec 16 07:29:06 EST 2003

Hi all,

after succesfully introducing RT, there are some people left who do not
want to check a website constantly to see if there is work for them.

So I created a template 'Assigned' with content:

RT-Attach-Message: yes

Ticket [{$rtname} #{$Ticket->id()}] was given to you by

The ticket has subject: {$Ticket->Subject}

 Ticket <URL: {$RT::WebURL}Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->id} >


And a scrip which goes:

"	Notify of ownership assign
On Owner Change Notify Owner with template Assigned

Which works. But they *still* don't want to look at the website, so they
would like to have the ticket history in that mail.

Is this possible? I tried several ways but couldn't get a grasp on the
exact possibilities.


Koos van den Hout,           PGP keyid RSA/1024 0xCA845CB5 via keyservers
koos at kzdoos.xs4all.nl        or DSS/1024 0xF0D7C263                        -?)
Fax +31-30-2817051              Visit the site about books with reviews    /\\
http://idefix.net/~koos/                http://www.virtualbookcase.com/   _\_V
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