[rt-users] External RT3 database access?

Gary Lawrence Murphy garym at canada.com
Mon Dec 22 13:21:37 EST 2003

>>>>> "M" == Michael S Liebman <m-liebman at northwestern.edu> writes:

    M> ... It is strongly encouraged that you use the
    M> API for accessing the RT database. It takes care of all the
    M> complications for you.

One of our managers found rt-q on http://www.amsterdamned.org/~bc/rt/
but that package requires values no longer exported in RT3 --- is
there any method to extract ticket information in RT3 in a format that
could be imported into other software? (such as CSV or XML)

Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym at teledyn.com>
www.teledyn.com/mt - www.teledyn.com - sbp.teledyn.com
You don't play what you know; you play what you hear.

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