[rt-users] time delay in the queue

Seth Cohn, EFN General Manager gm at efn.org
Fri Jan 17 15:32:10 EST 2003

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Anshuman Kanwar wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been playing with RT and am very happy with its feature set. I wish
> to deploy it in a multiple sysadmin scenario.

I'm using it in a similar fashion.

> If an email/ticket has been in a queue for greater than a specified amount
> of time and no one takes responsibility for it, then it (or a note about it)
> gets mailed to a "big boss" email address, i.e. gets escalated.
> I would be happy to get some hand holding on this.

Ok, without the no one takes responsiblity part, it's pretty easy; use the
escalator script, combined with the IfPriorityExceeds scrip.

Both live in http://fsck.com/pub/rt/contrib/2.0/rt-addons/

Adding the "no one takes responsibiliity" depends on your setup:  Do you
mean it's still new, it's still owned by Nobody, or nobody has taken
action on it, or what?

I suspect a simple change to the IfPriority script or in the template
called would do the job though.  I'd probably (and will) write a template
that will either complain to me and/or to the ticket's owner's that it's
still undone.

Another way to do this would be to write a script that looks at how old a
ticket is, and work from that too... but why not take advantage of the
priorities at the same time?  That way, different time periods and
emergencies can be handled too.  If it's important, just make it higher
priority, and it will have to be dealt with sooner.

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