[rt-users] default ticket sort: descending

Joseph Spenner joseph85750 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 15 12:34:23 EDT 2003

I'm using RT 2.0.15 and trying to change the default
sort behavior.  By default, when a queue is selected,
it wants to sort ascending ticket order.  I wish to
change this to descending, so the newest tickets
appear at the top.  I believe this is defined in the
~/rt2/WebRT/html/Search/Listing.html file:

my ($order);
 my $attr = $col->{'TicketAttribute'};
 $attr =~ s/Obj->(Name|AsString|AgeAsString)//g;
  if ($session{'tickets_sort_order'} =~ /^asc$/i) {
   $order = 'DESC';
 } else {
   $order = 'ASC';

But I can't figure out where the tickets_sort_order is
being defined.

If anyone else has changed this sort_order behavior,
I'd sure appreciate any help on where to make the


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