[rt-users] Performance Issue - RT 3.xx

Asif Iqbal iqbala at qwestip.net
Mon Jul 28 15:12:31 EDT 2003

On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Jesse Vincent wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 12:40:15PM -0400, Asif Iqbal wrote:
> >
> > I applied these indexes and upgraded RT3.0.3 to RT3.0.4 with mysql 4.0.13 and
> > Apache+modperl1 . It definitely improved a lot over RT3.03 but still as fast as
> > my good old RT2.0.13. Any other suggestions to improve the performance. My users
> > wants the old RT back due to its slowness
> It would be useful if you could tell the list what actions are slow and

When I click on reply (Update.html), or clicking on a queue from Home
(Listing.html), clicking on a ticket (Display.html) and Clicking on Home
it takes about 15-20 secs longer than it used to on RT2.0.13

> how slow it is in wallclock seconds. Appending &Debug=1 to a given
> page's query string will tell you how many seconds a page is taking to

where should I put that string ? Sorry for the newbie question

> render.
> There are always things that can be done to improve performance:
> 1) make sure you've tuned your datbase to use memory most effectively
what would be an effective number ? I have 4G Memory on a 420R with 4 450Mhz CPU
X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz)

> 2) make sure your server isn't resource starved

It is most of the time 96%+ CPU idle and over 2.7 GB free memory. The one that
takes maximum CPU usage is the mysqld ( 7-8% CPU ). With RT2 on same machine it
was never over 2%

Asif Iqbal
There's no place like

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