[rt-users] mysqld deadlocks with rt3.0.3
Dirk Pape
pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jun 26 00:10:32 EDT 2003
we have seen two deadlocks of mysqld in the past two days, one with
rt3.0.3rc4 and one with rt3.0.3 release.
conf is apache 1.3, mysql 3, modperl1, DBD::mysql 2.1027, Searchbuilder 0.86
symptom: rt hangs and email to rt bounces
a try to trace the mysqld restarts it and after that rt3 runs fine again
(for some time).
In rt.log we have entries like:
[Wed Jun 25 16:30:37 2003] [warning]: DBIx::SearchBuilder error:Can't
connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/
mysqld.sock' (111)
Jesse, I will send you personally a part of the mysql.log file just before
mysqld stops working. A series of Queries like
SELECT ACL.id from ACL, Groups, Principals, CachedGroupMembers WHERE
(ACL.RightName = 'SuperUser' OR ACL.RightName = 'SeeQueue') AND
Principals.Disabled = 0 AND CachedGroupMembers.Disabled = 0 AND
Principals.id = Groups.id AND Principals.id = CachedGroupMembers.GroupId
AND CachedGroupMembers.MemberId = '166' AND ( ACL.ObjectType = 'RT::System'
OR (ACL.ObjectType = 'RT::Queue' AND ACL.ObjectId = '3')) AND ( (
ACL.PrincipalId = Principals.id AND ACL.PrincipalType = 'Group' AND (Groups
.Domain = 'SystemInternal' OR Groups.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR
Groups.Domain = 'ACLEquivalence' OR Groups.Domain = 'Personal')) OR (
((Groups.Domain = 'RT::Queue-Role' AND Groups.Instance = '3') ) AND
Groups.Type = ACL.PrincipalType AND Groups.Id = Principals.id AND
Principals.PrincipalType = 'Group') ) LIMIT 1
are the last life signs of mysqld.
Hope that will help you to isolate the bug.
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