[rt-users] Bounce detection

Stewart James stewart.james at vu.edu.au
Wed Mar 12 17:01:01 EST 2003


I am new to rt and trying to get my head around everything (to the guys
who are developing it - TOP JOB!)

Something I notice is missing is any bounce detection, I also noted from
readiong the list archive alot of people have written their own little
customizations - so I was hoping someone had done it already, or can give
me some pointers.

I will have a look at doing this myself, in case that is the path I will
have to go down I will outline what I though would suffice (at least for

Set envelope sender to something like: bounce+#@domain.com (# is the
ticket number email is being sent about). Then extend mail gate to have a
"bounce" service....which would very much be a comment, just how it
detects ticket number would be different. Then insert the message as a

This got me to thinking about permissions, and perhaps setting up a "mail
user" or something similar that has permissions to comment on tickets.

I know this is not the complete bounce detetion people would probably be
thinking of, but at least this would notify the ticket that a message
bounced - even if the users of that ticket need to manually figureout who
bounced and why....on a site that might have a good number of queue's it
is better than the postmaster having to do it.

Comments, thoughts - even better has someone done this(or something
similar)? Even if is a pointer on say modifying the envelope sender any
advice would be appreciated. For the record I am running 2.0.15.



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