[rt-users] RT3 and LDAP-Auth: fix for a local problem

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Fri May 2 13:49:19 EDT 2003

I suddenly experienced problems when trying to enable LDAP 
authentication in RT3. After a long debugging session, the the problem 
seems to be that $self->Name is not properly expanded in the search 
query build process.

We changed the relevant code to do the following[1] unpleasant thing, 
which fixes things for us over here. To be honest, we don't know what's 
going on here, but the pack/unpack seems to fix our problem (User_Local 
got stuck and never returned from the search).


--- /usr/src/RT3/User_Local.pm  2003-05-01 13:10:55.000000000 +0200
+++ /opt/rt3/lib/RT/User_Local.pm       2003-05-02 19:45:55.000000000 
@@ -79,5 +79,9 @@

-               my $filter = "(&(&(objectclass=person)(" . 
$RT::LdapUidAttr . "=" . $self->Name ."))$RT::LdapFilter)";
+               # HW+TB 02MAY2003
+                       my $uid= $self->Name;
+                       $uid = pack "c30", (unpack "c30", $uid);
+                       my $filter = "(&(&(objectclass=person)(" . 
$RT::LdapUidAttr . "=" . $uid ."))$RT::LdapFilter)";
                 $RT::Logger->debug("GetExternalUserWithLDAP: First 
search filter '$filter'\n");
                 $mesg = $ldap->search(base   => $RT::LdapBase,

Harald Wagener * FCB/Wilkens * An der Alster 42 * 20099 Hamburg

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