[rt-users] RT3 and unpriviledged users

Dan Fairs d.fairs at cogtest.com
Thu May 15 10:00:47 EDT 2003

Hi Harald,

>Normally, unprivileged users don't show up in the search for users,
>because there is nothing You want them to be able to except for generic
>stuff (which is enabled for them by setting privileges for 'Everyone' or
>'Unprivileged Users') like initiating requests and adding
>information/reply to staff questions.  If You want them to be able to do
>stuff to tickets which are related to 'answering the request'; they most
>probably need to be privileged.

Aha! I think that one clears it up, for me anyway. It was a bug with my 
understanding, not with the software. ;) I'll have to make that clear to my 
other users.

Many thanks for all your time,
Dan Fairs

d.fairs at cogtest.com
Daniel Fairs 

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