[rt-users] Problem: Non-ASCII characters as Custom field values

Volker Goetz goetz at sectionone.de
Thu Nov 27 11:47:02 EST 2003

Hash: SHA1


I'm trying to add values with non ASCII characters in it (German Umlaut, 
e.g. ä = ä) to custom fields. The values are stored correctly in the 
database; they are also displayed correctly in the web frontend in either 
the configuration section and also when adding/editing a particular 

The value of the custom field, however, can only be changed to another 
value when and only when the current value does ONLY contain plain ASCII 
characters (i.e. a-z 0-9). It then can be changed to any value available, 
including those with german umlauts.

Once a value with umlauts is selected it is impossible to change it 
correctly. Custom fields with "select one value" behaviour are broken 
sucht that the new value does not replace the old values but it is added, 
rusulting that the "select one value" field actually has two values.

Cause of the fault seems to be that RT cannot find the old value (with 
umlauts) to delete, before it adds the new value.

RT 2.0.7_01
RedHat 9
Apache 2.0.48 (own build)
PostgreSQL 7.4 (own build)
Perl 5.8.0 + required modules

The umlaut problem within ticket bodies, as discussed a few days ago, is 
solved with the patch that has been sent to the list.

- -- 

Volker Götz

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