[rt-users] Sorting / 'Ball-in-court'

Nick Pleis NickP at cesinc.com
Thu Oct 2 16:42:49 EDT 2003

I'm currently in the final stages of getting our RT/RTFM solution setup.
I was hoping to get some help with one problem that we're having:
When looking at the Queue as a whole it would be REALLY nice if we could see
when customers actually send us correspondence. What we'd really like to be
able to do is see which side was the last to send actual correspondence to
other side. Much like a tennis match, we want to know who's 'court' the ball
is in. That way we could sort the messages based on all of the issues that
our customers have responded to, but we haven't responded back (yet). Does
anyone have a system like this in place?
I actually have a plan to achieve much of this with the addition of a new
database table and a scrip..(with scrip actions based on outgoing/incoming
tickets that update the table), but this would also require modifying the
actual RT code to recognize this table... which isn't necessarily optimal. 
Nick Pleis
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