[rt-users] rt-mailgate chokes on multi-line email subject headers

wvd at cequrux.com wvd at cequrux.com
Thu Oct 9 09:34:51 EDT 2003

I am running RT 3.0.6 using mod_perl, apache 1.3 and postgres 7.3 on FreeBSD 4.8

After some testing with a troublesome email I have determined that rt-mailgate chockes when the Subject line contains a newline. I dont know if any email RFCs actually allows Subject lines with newlines but we received a support request from a client which had this issue.

So the Subject header looks something like this:

X-Some-Headers: some stuff
Subject: RE: [blah #blah] having a problem with feature XXX in
	software YYY on OS ZZZ
X-Rest-Of-Headers: more stuff

I got a bunch of not very enlightening error messages in my rt-error-log. The problem is pretty easily replicateable, you just need to compose a message that contains a Subject line like the above and pipe it through rt-mailgate with the right parameters.

If anyone has any experience with anything like this, please let me know.
If it is necessary to look at the error messages I got, I will be happy to supply them.

Wynand van Dyk

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