[rt-users] RE: custom fields and new ticket

Dimitry Faynerman dimitry.faynerman at hypermediasystems.com
Mon Apr 5 18:51:21 EDT 2004

Nobody can help me with this? :-(

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitry Faynerman [mailto:dimitry.faynerman at hypermediasystems.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 8:22 AM
To: 'rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com'
Subject: custom fields and new ticket


Can anybody, please, explain me how I should work with custom fields when
creating a new ticket. I created them from "Global"/"Custom fields menu".
I'm able to modify their values from "Basics" tab and I'm able to show their
values from the Display.html (I use my own template).

But the problem is when I create a new ticket, absolutely nothing goes into
TicketCustomFieldValues table.

What am I missing here?



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