[rt-users] Migrating from RT2 to RT3

Dan Swan dswan at ceh.ac.uk
Wed Apr 28 08:49:29 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I'm afraid the list archives are down at the moment on the bestpractical 
site, I am sure that this question has been asked before - if anyone 
could point me to any resources regarding this I would be very grateful..

I've recently inherited the administration of an RT system.  We are 
currently migrating all our web services, including RT from Mac OSX to 
Debian GNU/Linux.  This involves not only changing platforms, but also 
versions of RT (2->3).  I have heard that the database schema has 
changed between the two, but assume other have had to make the migration.

Is it straightforward to dump the data from one MySQL installation into 
another or are there caveats for this?  Is there other data that needs 
to be transferred over?  I have kept the users/passwords/database 
names/base URLS the same between systems but any information on problems 
I'm likely to encounter?

I checked the Wiki and have found a mirror for the mailing lists which 
refer to a "dumpfile-to-rt-3.0" which sounds useful, but can't find a 
location for this script, it does not appear to have been installed as 
part of my apt-get'ted install of rt3 nor in the source tarball I 
downloaded to check.

thanks in advance,


Dr Dan Swan - Bio-Linux Developer | RHCE
EGTDC, CEH, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3SR
Tel: 01865 281 658 Fax: 01865 281 696
http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/ | dswan at ceh.ac.uk

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